Friday, April 3, 2009

4 Months Old Today

So today, Mackenzie is 4 months old. Man how fast the time has gone by. It seems like only yesterday she was born. Another major development is that she rolled over last saturday, 3/28/2009. She first rolled over for daddy on our bed, then she rolled over again for the both of us. Then to see if she really could do it we put her on the floor and she rolled over 1 more time. Only to get extremely cranky because she was hungry. LOL She hasn't done it again since but we are hoping with due time it will become more frequent. She alreayd is getting prepared to crawl. She lifts her butt up and gets on her knees but that is about it. But by the time we blink she will be LOL.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mackenzie's Baby Pictures

So we went on Sunday to Kiddie Kandids to have the baby's pictures taken in her beautiful Easter dress that her Grandma Johnson bought her. Here is what we got...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mackenzie's Baptism

February 1, 2009, Mackenzie Elizabeth Johnson was baptized. We had a wonderful church service and her baptism went very well. However, for the child that never really cries, she screamed when the Pastor put the water on her head. Chrystal and Louie are her Godparents and it is a role I am sure they have been waiting for LOL. Mackenzie had lots and lots of people there to support her including Mommy and DaddyGrandma and Grandpa Kiefer Grandma and Grandpa Johnson, Aunt Chrystal and Uncle Louie, her cousins Logan, Camden and Lily, Uncle John and Auntie Emma Great-Grandma Johnson, Great-Great Aunt Rene, and so many more Johnson's. After her baptism we had a celebration with cake at the church and then off to Great-Grandma Johnson's we went for a luncheon. It was a very good day and one that we will ALWAYS remember.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


So, after months of reading Chrystal's blogs, I decided that it would be nice to create one of my own for my family. However, I am new to this so give me some time to post. In the meantime....HELLO!!!!